View single post by Greg Fletcher
 Posted: 04-13-2013 05:13 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
Flushing is not a bad idea, but maybe not even needed. I've never flushed a cooling system in any car I've ever owned. Just keeping in a good quality coolant plus a water pump lubricant and changing every few years is all it really needs. Radiators do not last the life of the car, service life can be anywhere from 5-15 years. This is where most of the blockage/garbage/junk ends up. If this were my car, I think I'd put a hose on the block where the water pump would be, and blast in some water to see what comes out. If the water coming out looks reasonable, just put in your cleaned/recored radiator and other bits and you should be fine.