View single post by boomer
 Posted: 04-08-2013 07:58 pm
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Joined: 04-08-2013
Location: La Rochelle, France
Posts: 8
Hi gang, Boomer's the name. I am new to the JH but a long fan of the beast. I am coming from the 240Z scene and fancy a big change in my track day experience. I found a clean 1975 JH that I will slowly upgrade up to when I wil fell condident enough to put it on the track to chase my olds Z pals.
The thing I haven't found yet is a racing windscreen. The huffaker's styled one. I want one as a dye master as I would like to fab it in carbon. I live in a place full of shops doing FRP and Carbon.
So any one have an old one on their shelves?

Thanks, Boomer