View single post by Scottm5407
 Posted: 12-03-2012 02:55 pm
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Joined: 11-30-2011
Location: Green Valley, Ontario Canada
Posts: 18
I'm still a long way from there. At a car show this summer I was looking at a corvette that had a system that might work. The lower part of the front fenders and the front bumper were in their conventional places and rigidly attached to the car, while the upper part of the front fenders and the hood were all one piece, which pivoted forward and were supported by hydraulic cylinders ( sort of like those on the lift-gate of a minivan. Might be a good solution, as the lower fender parts forward of the front wheel well would be attached to the car instead of the upper fenders.But,like I said, I am still a long way from there. Thanks for the ideas ! Scott