View single post by Scottm5407
 Posted: 02-09-2012 11:27 pm
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Joined: 11-30-2011
Location: Green Valley, Ontario Canada
Posts: 18
Great feedback....thanks !!

As there is no body currently on my car from the doors forward, I don't really have to worry too much about screwing up something that already works, as it's not there yet anyway. At this stage, it's a totally blank page.

 The fibreglass hood that I have is the not-terribly-rigid ( racing ?) one that has 4 pins rather than hinges that hold it in place, and I can see where the structural integrity of what I was considering could be a major issue.

I also have a metal hood, and perhaps a front-opening version of that combined with the one-piece conventionally installed fibreglass fenders would be a wiser avenue to explore.

This is my first attempt at something like this, so any and all suggestions, positive and negative, are welcome.
